Assisted Living Services

Assisted Living in Marshall, MN

Assisted living is a special combination of housing, supportive services, personalized assistance and health care. This combination offers individuals an opportunity to maintain their independence as they begin to require assistance with daily living activities and personal health care.

Assisted Living Services at Boulder Estates are available and provided by our highly trained home health staff. They are here to assist you with your Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and emergency response 24 hours per day, seven day per week.

Home Health Aides provide a wide range of services, including assistance with bathing and grooming, exercise, laundry and homemaking services, medication reminders and several other services.

Registered Nurses are available on-call 24-hours per day and onsite Monday – Friday. They are available to provide care coordination and individualized plan of care including medication management, nursing assessments, supervision and oversight of each client’s plan of care and coordination of health care services with physicians, pharmacists or therapists.

Smiling retired woman enjoys a cup of tea on couch

Live Life to the Fullest

“Boulder Estates has been a wonderful home for our mother. She enjoys the opportunity to meet new people and spend time with old friends. We appreciate the caring staff at Boulder Estates.” ~ Mike and Pam Ellingson, tenant family member

Assisted Living Services Care Levels

Tenants live in their own homes in a friendly community environment.  The following optional Assisted Living Services are available within the following Care Levels. Consideration is also given to individual requests outside of the listed options below.

  • Medication Management - Medication Set-up, Medication Change
  • Medication Reminders
  • AM Assistance/PM Assistance
  • Assistance with dressing/undressing
  • Skin care, Shaving
  • Oral hygiene
  • Ted Hose Assistance
  • Shower/Bathing Assistance
  • Bathroom Assistance – Catheter, UG
  • Transfer Assistance – no more than a one person assist
  • Dressing Change
  • Oxygen Management
  • Bed Making Assistance
  • Linen Changes
  • Resident/Apartment Check – maximum of every 2 hours
  • Exercise – Walking, Range of motion
  • Meal Escort
  • Short-term Nebulizer Treatments
  • Short-term Respite Care
  • Homemaking
  • Additional Removal of Garbage

Apartment Layouts at Boulder Estates

For details, click on the images to enlarge. Printable PDFs are available using the buttons on this page.

Come Join Us!

If you're looking for a place where you can be yourself, make lifelong friends, and have access to an array of activities and support, look no further. Visit us and see for yourself why we're the perfect choice for your next chapter in life.